发布于2020年10月11日4年前 令人震惊 ,我买了不少他的插件 ,而且都是主流插件,也不知道后续如何。 https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/66723-spanner/ 大家定要多多保重
2020年10月18日4年前 https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/ https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/profile/1-spanner/ 引用 Dear Users, I know, that not everyone knows about Dawid's death.He died a month ago and now I am dealing not only with the real world, but also with the world of his and the community, in which I used to be a long time ago. Thank you for all your help and support in keeping all of this alive. Please do not make any purchase. Magda