Posted October 27, 2024Oct 27 安装新的 Invision Community 5.0 论坛 本教程使用 Debian 12 Linux Nginx 1.27.1 数据库 MariaDB 10.11.9 PHP 8.3 --------------------------------------------- 安装新的论坛 --------------------------------------------- 之前的步骤,已申请SSL证书,也写入IPS伪静态 直接在浏览器输入 https://域名.com 开始安装新的论坛 -> Start Installation -> Install Invision Community 5 System Check PHP Requirements -> PHP要求,最好都是 v 通过的状态 PHP version 8.3.12. cURL extension loaded. The dns_get_record function is available Multibyte String extension loaded DOM extension loaded GD extension loaded MySQLi extension loaded OpenSSL extension loaded Session extension loaded SimpleXML extension loaded XML extension loaded XMLReader extension loaded XMLWriter extension loaded Phar extension loaded Zip extension loaded Exif extension loaded 512 MB memory limit. File System Requirements -> 都要 v 可写入的状态 /var/www/域名.com/applications is writable /var/www/域名.com/datastore is writable /var/www/域名.com/uploads is writable /var/www/域名.com/uploads/logs is writable Continue -> License Key -> 输入你的正版序号 [v] I have read and agree to the license agreement -> Continue Applications to install -> 选择你要安装的官方插件 System Converter Gallery Events Blogs Downloads Pages Forums Commerce Default application 你想要以什么APP为默认首页 -> 通常选择 Forums Continue -> --------------------------------------------- MySQL Server Details --------------------------------------------- Host -> localhost Username -> 数据库用户名 Password -> 数据库用户密码 Database Name -> 数据库名 Port -> 3306 Socket -> /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Site URL -> https://域名.com/ [通常不勾 ] Send usage and diagnostics data to IPS? 将使用情况和诊断数据发送至 IPS? -> Continue --------------------------------------------- Admin --------------------------------------------- 论坛管理员帐户与密码 Display Name Password Confirm Password Email Address -> Continue --------------------------------------------- Install --------------------------------------------- 安装中 --------------------------------------------- Your Invision Community 5 is ready --------------------------------------------- Go to the suite 到论坛前端 Go to the AdminCP 到论坛后端 论坛前端 论坛后端
October 28, 2024Oct 28 Author 可以先看看论坛系统是否有重大问题 论坛后端 -> System -> Support -> Get Support PHP 8.3 数据库 MariaDB 10.11.9
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